Balance Your Time Better
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Ok, so maybe you hate time management, but virtually everyone I meet or know feels time pressure and, at times, does their best to relieve that pressure by getting more organized in their activities and how they use their time.
Over the years, in many different contexts for my life, I refined the best time management systems I could find into a streamlined (time efficient) system. But of course, there were times when I needed it to do more, and other times my plan went out the window just as I started following it.
One of my favorite features of this sheet is how flexible AND powerful it is. There are times when I use the entire form everyday. That’s when things are really packed. Other times, I use very little of the sheet, mostly the back part.
The back part is arguably the most powerful part, at least for me. That’s where I set my intention for the day, but not just any old whim I might have when I wake up. I standardized the most powerful questions for myself that sets a context for my day. I didn’t take these questions lightly when coming up with them. These are the core questions that guide my day.
The piece at the bottom has also cleaned up a lot of life over the years. I’m much more thoughtful about what action items I take on. At the outset, this may appear like I’m shoving responsibility elsewhere. Rather I am making sure I am the right person with the skills, time, and motivation to complete a task someone is asking me to do.
I used to think that I would be successful by taking on anything and everything that people asked of me. Early in my career that was probably a good idea because I was exposed to lots of people and gained experience quickly. Also, people accepted that I might not be awesome at the task. However, as time went on, I needed to be more strategic and just plain provide more value when I accepted the responsibility of a task…a hard won lesson for me.
One last thing of note: I complete my plan weekly in about 10-15 minutes (front side) and the daily questions in about 15 minutes, daily (back side). If you’re taking longer than that, you are likely over-committed and might need to be more flexible rather than running to a tight plan.
Give it a try and I hope it works for you.
Here’s the exact standard work sheet I use, to varying degrees of need. Click below to download it for FREE.
Click HERE And Get It Now For FREE